Thursday, January 25, 2007

American Oddball

simoncowell.jpgWho can blame Simon Cowell for being a bit on the pissy side these days? He was part of a television program about finding great talent in America, but with every passing season, it goes further down the road of exploiting the mentally ill for our viewing amusement and since that interprets to ratings, it's not likely to change.

Not much stands out from the Memphis auditions, but the New York segments livened things up. The level of desperation is disturbing. The no talent contestants will beg, plead, cry and grovel to get that shot at fame.

sadnakia.jpgPoor little Nakia wanted her trip to Hollywood, she had to go to Hollywood so as to not let down her family and friends. If she just hadn't sung that second song so badly, she might have got the pity vote that day.

scarysarahgoldberg.jpgSarah Goldberg is not a well person. She knows she can't sing, but she's willing to be taught. The judges don't grasp her concept. She turns scary - scarier.

What to say about quasi-orgasmic sounds that came out of oddball Isadora Furman?

Joe Getty, from my favorite morning radio duo of Armstrong and Getty, summed her unique sound up nicely, saying that she sounded like “A woman having sex while dragging pots and pans and Clydesdales across a wooden gym floor while being worked over by the Syrian police.”

I can't top that.

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