Wednesday, February 28, 2007

American Idol - Antonella Must Go

Did I say I was starting to feel sorry for Antonella? I’m back to wanting her voted off Idol. She has no business being there and her crack at Simon about him being wrong about Jennifer Hudson was really off the mark. She’s no Jennifer Hudson and Antonella’s popularity has nothing to do with her limited talent.

lesliehunt.jpgNone of the women are stand outs as Idols. Leslie Hunt is the only truly unique one of the bunch, but she’s a little odd, in a deranged kind of way. She sang “Feeling Good” and the a cappella opening was promising, but then she got that look in her eyes, started scatting and then morphed into “Crazy Leslie”.

House is back next Tuesday, which means a little less Idol and a little more substance to our television viewing.

American Idol – Are We There Yet?

threeway.jpgNope, still a bunch to weed through. The guys were pretty good last night, my favorite still being Blake Lewis. I even lightened up a bit toward Chris Sligh, who dedicated “Trouble” to his wife. Sanjaya was the weakest link and I'm sure this is his last week on Idol.

I thought the judges were in rare form last night and were actually amusing. Simon and Paula seem to be having a thing……. and Simon and Ryan seem to be having a thing too. I don’t think Randy is included in their “thing” though. The thing must be pretty good judging by their moods.

Tonight we have the girls and I’m actually starting to feel sorry for Antonella Barba, and all the photos floating around on the Internet. And with friends who take pictures of you on the toilet, who needs enemies? Wait, why on earth would someone pose for a picture on the toilet? Apparently, that's what they do for kicks in Point Pleasant "Toilet Photo, USA" New Jersey:
''It's the way this town is: Everybody knows everything about their friends,'' said Mark Dillon, 17. ''At least half the people in this town have pictures of their friends on the toilet. I've personally seen at least 20. It's only because she's on TV that they're online.''

Maybe someone can send these kids some video games or take them to the movies.

The girls are pretty good, but other than Antonella, I have a hard time remembering even one of them.

When is House going to be back on?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Idol Burnout

gilgrissom1.jpgI'm not even sure I can sit through another minute of American Idol this week. I might just watch CSI instead. Gil Grissom is back, so it'll be the real deal. I've already cheated and looked at the results of tonight's American Idol elimination show. If you want to sit through your fifth hour of Idol tonight, then don't click on this link which will tell you the results and give you the option of watching something else.

Anything else would be good, especially if it doesn't have Fantasia Barrino as a guest star. Was she ever in CSI? God, I hope not. Ryan Starr was. Do you remember her? She was in the first season of American Idol and I was sure she would win. She played a corpse on CSI.

If I have Idol Burnout, what do Simon, Paula and Randy feel like? Out of thousands and thousands of young talent, this is the best America has to offer? I don't believe that can be true. I think that the people who processed the auditions were focusing so much on letting through the freaks and geeks for our entertainment purposes (and they did a great job on that end) that they forgot they'd need actual talent at the end of the show.

That's all the Idol Chat from me this week.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Too Much American Idol

Antonellaseminaked.jpgI'm losing interest already. This part of American Idol is never my favorite, but I'm not really partial to any of the contestants this year.

Chris Sligh lost my vote last night with his "Teletubby" barb thrown at Simon. Very unprofessional. Simon made a lot of money off that hit album. It's business, not a music preference.

Blake Lewis, the beatboxer, stood out this week by not beatboxing. Other than that, it's a real milk-toast competition at this point. No one has the WOW factor.

Tonight the ladies get their shot. As you know, I'm hoping Antonella Barba will get voted off this week, but no favorites to take the lead at this point.

I'm posting this gratuitous picture of Antonella and friend to make up for the boring nature of this post and my lack-luster enthusiasm. Five hours of American Idol in one week? It's just too much.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bitches of Idol - One Down, One to Go

BitchesofIdol.jpgThe Bitches of Idol. Who are they? The delusional dilettantes Amanda Coluccio and Antonella Barba. I thought that Baylie Brown had a real shot at being the next American Idol, but being paired up with "best friends" Amanda and Antonella did not bode well for her future.
BaylieBrown.jpgMaybe Baylie needed a little humbling. At 16 years of age, with beauty and talent, she was ripe to become an unbearable diva, but now that she's had a reality check, I'm hoping she's the wildcard they bring back into the competition.

When Baylie was distraught over being cut, Amanda speculated that it could be because "God likes good people". When Amanda was questioned about the fact that she chose to flirt with the boys, instead of rehearsing with her group, she said that she and Antonella can have “as many boys as we want at home.” Perhaps she can turn that into a paying gig since home is where she was sent to the next day.

One arrogant bitch down, one to go.

More on The Bitches of Idol:

From TV Robot:
When Baylie is crying and Amanda and Antonella are coldly distancing themselves—standing a foot away and not offering any condolences—Baylie accurately points out how difficult it is to be sent home after working hard while another goes off to flirt with boys.

Amanda tells American Idol cams she did NO such thing, as the cameras cut to the scene where is doing just that. She also, arm in arm with her equally icky best friend, says she has plenty of opportunities for attracting boys back home.

Poor Baylie has been stuck with "best friends" and future mob wives Amanda and Antonella and they argue in their theater seats about song choice. Sneaky cutting makes it appear as if Baylie is hearing gorgeous harmonies from other groups, so she's extra frustrated. They don't know the words, so Amanda decides to go strut her short-shorts around a roomful of practicing boys, while Baylie and Antonella decide it's not worth staying up and memorizing words and go to bed.

And from

Amanda actually had the gall to comment that "God allowed only good people" to go through. Man, I wanted to see this little bitch go down in flames after she said that.

And from
Baylie Brown decided to hook up with Wonder Twins Amanda and Antonella. Bad move. Not only did she forget her words and get the boot, but she also discovered the Twins special powers were lying and backstabbing.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

American Idol – Poking Out Your Mind’s Eye

jasminecameltoe.jpgThat’s just nasty! I think we could have done without that close up last night. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Jasmine Holland was showing off things she shouldn’t have been showing off for the viewing public, she sounded terrible and had a nasty attitude to go with the look.

She said that “Randy looks like a fat slob, like he got up and put on anything”. This, coming from a woman who pried her oversized ass into a pair of undersized gauchos. Her family blamed Simon, I mean he’s not even American and they thought he should go back to…… French – until they found out he was British and then they wanted to send him back to ……British, cause you know, those British people can’t tell if Americans can sing or not.

jacobtutor.jpgThen there was Jacob Tutor who had a disturbing Charles Manson quality about him. Simon said he should have been singing his chosen song in a “very dark room”. Perhaps to his latest victim.

Tonight we have the last of the auditions, before the show moves to Hollywood. They say they have saved the best and the worst for last. I just can’t wait.