House is back next Tuesday, which means a little less Idol and a little more substance to our television viewing.
Each year I watch American Idol the fast food equivalent of Pop Music and each year I swear I won't ever watch it again. But I will and I'll blog about it too.
''It's the way this town is: Everybody knows everything about their friends,'' said Mark Dillon, 17. ''At least half the people in this town have pictures of their friends on the toilet. I've personally seen at least 20. It's only because she's on TV that they're online.''
When Baylie is crying and Amanda and Antonella are coldly distancing themselves—standing a foot away and not offering any condolences—Baylie accurately points out how difficult it is to be sent home after working hard while another goes off to flirt with boys.
Amanda tells American Idol cams she did NO such thing, as the cameras cut to the scene where is doing just that. She also, arm in arm with her equally icky best friend, says she has plenty of opportunities for attracting boys back home.
Poor Baylie has been stuck with "best friends" and future mob wives Amanda and Antonella and they argue in their theater seats about song choice. Sneaky cutting makes it appear as if Baylie is hearing gorgeous harmonies from other groups, so she's extra frustrated. They don't know the words, so Amanda decides to go strut her short-shorts around a roomful of practicing boys, while Baylie and Antonella decide it's not worth staying up and memorizing words and go to bed.
Amanda actually had the gall to comment that "God allowed only good people" to go through. Man, I wanted to see this little bitch go down in flames after she said that.
Baylie Brown decided to hook up with Wonder Twins Amanda and Antonella. Bad move. Not only did she forget her words and get the boot, but she also discovered the Twins special powers were lying and backstabbing.