Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Too Much American Idol

Antonellaseminaked.jpgI'm losing interest already. This part of American Idol is never my favorite, but I'm not really partial to any of the contestants this year.

Chris Sligh lost my vote last night with his "Teletubby" barb thrown at Simon. Very unprofessional. Simon made a lot of money off that hit album. It's business, not a music preference.

Blake Lewis, the beatboxer, stood out this week by not beatboxing. Other than that, it's a real milk-toast competition at this point. No one has the WOW factor.

Tonight the ladies get their shot. As you know, I'm hoping Antonella Barba will get voted off this week, but no favorites to take the lead at this point.

I'm posting this gratuitous picture of Antonella and friend to make up for the boring nature of this post and my lack-luster enthusiasm. Five hours of American Idol in one week? It's just too much.

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