Chikezie leaves American Idol, but mediocre Kristy Lee Cook is still in the competition. Who is voting for Kristy? She shouldn't be encouraged.
Chikezie warmed my heart with his dulcet Luther Vandross tones, but he never repeated his breakaway performance and opted to stick with the ballad type numbers, which he preferred. I think he should have ridden the crowd pleasing wave a bit longer, as he'll have plenty of time to do exactly what he wants down the line. He'll be on the tour, so life is still good for Chikezie.
Shame on Simon for calling him cheesy last night.
Talking of cheesy, Lee Greenwood called to say how much he liked Kristy singing his schmaltzy song.
It was extremely long hour tonight. I don't know why I watch this show.
Full recap at MTV: Chikezie Goes Down Easy
I actually dozed off at the beginning and didn't wake up until Susan turned the TV off at a quarter 'til saying she couldn't watch anymore.
I also missed all but Cook's performance and then replay of all others the night before. I liked what I saw of Chikezie's (even though it seemed a bit repetitive) and I'm really disappointed not only that he's gone but that "Proud To Be A Mediocrican" Kristy and Ramiele are still in the hunt.
Dozing through American Idol? I must try that!
I was sure that Kristy, Ramiele and Michael Johns would be the bottom three. At least the odds are getting better for that to happen.
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