Thursday, March 1, 2007

Annoying Antonella Around for Another Week

antonellabird.jpgDamn. Not only do we have to put up with her again next week, but Sanjaya is still on Idol. How is that possible? He's a sweet kid, but everything about him bugs me. How many teeth do they have between them? Too many.

Nick Pedro was voted off - he has talent but as Simon pointed out there was a lack of charisma. A.J. Tablado was the other guy to go. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

I'm disappointed that Leslie Hunt got the boot, but was ready to see the last of Alaina Alexander.

And what the hell happened to sweet little ol' Kellie Pickler? Hollywood happened, that's what. She's got a brand new pair of shoes and brand new pair of breasts.

The good news? No more American Idol for the next four days.

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