Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ford Lets 16 Finalists Out of the American Idol Secrecy Bag - or do They?

We all know that American Idol is all about money and units and selling this and selling that and not really that much about finding recording artists for the long haul. This years cash cows will be amazed how quickly they get put out to pasture by the multi million dollar corporation that herds hopeful wannabes into stadiums across the country by the thousands.

It's nice to see the American Idol money making machinery get a little cog in it's wheels once and a while. If you want to be surprised at who makes the cut, then don't study the picture and don't click on this link to see more pictures.

After viewing the video and seeing this motley crew, I find myself wondering if these were the ones that didn't make it, sent out as decoys? You can see the video over at The Idolator.

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