Each year I watch American Idol the fast food equivalent of Pop Music and each year I swear I won't ever watch it again. But I will and I'll blog about it too.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Idol Bitch Slap
You know, those judges really don't like Prima Donnas.
I think they mistook Shannon McGough for one, and seemed overly harsh on her. They do like building these contestants up, just to bitch slap them down for entertainment value. Maybe they were just offended by her clothing or expected her to be a better singer, having won so many competitions.
Nellie Oleson lives on in the form of Precious Prima Donna Julie Dubela, and yes, I admit, I enjoyed the little reality check they dished out to her. Once rejected, her response was "don't audition for American Idol, don't watch the show". Just like Nellie!
Lovely ladies Corliss and Britney were tons of fun. I didn't expect these girls to go through, but they can sing and they had delightful personalities. I don't know how Ryan survived without being crushed.
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