Each year I watch American Idol the fast food equivalent of Pop Music and each year I swear I won't ever watch it again. But I will and I'll blog about it too.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Fantasia Barrino Doing the Funky Rooster on American Idol
Good grief, what the hell was that woman doing? With her bright red hair and all that strutting and squawking and shrieking out something called Bore Me, Fantasia Barrino came onstage to show Simon what a grotesque performance actually looked like, and she sure did show him.
The moment worth watching American Idol for tonight? Simon's truly gobsmacked expression while Fantasia did her thing on stage. I so wish we could have heard what he had to say about her performance.
If I didn't know who Fantasia was, I would have thought she was a Tranny.
Here's the video. You decide.
Oh my god, Simon's face was a picture. Fantasia was entertaining but all those booty bouncing, hen clucking, somewhat masculine moves certainly looked a bit manic. The beat was certainly good for some intoxicated disco groin grinding.
I almost got up to go to the kitchen during Fantasia's performance, because I've just never "got" Fantasia, or understood why she won American Idol. I'm glad I didn't, because Simon's face was worth sitting through Fantasia's odd antics last night.
Wow Will, you really dug it? I had the exact same look on my mug as Simon did! I completely missed the point of what she was doing or why she would do it.... I searched out the lyrics to the song, but I'm none the wiser.
Well, she's made quite a success for herself, so obviously some people do "get it".
Oh my god, Simon's face was a picture. Fantasia was entertaining but all those booty bouncing, hen clucking, somewhat masculine moves certainly looked a bit manic. The beat was certainly good for some intoxicated disco groin grinding.
I almost got up to go to the kitchen during Fantasia's performance, because I've just never "got" Fantasia, or understood why she won American Idol. I'm glad I didn't, because Simon's face was worth sitting through Fantasia's odd antics last night.
I dug it. I thought Fantasia was all devil-may-care-but-I-sure-don't WOMAN.
Having said that, Simon stole the segment with the WTF!? look stuck on his mug.
Wow Will, you really dug it? I had the exact same look on my mug as Simon did! I completely missed the point of what she was doing or why she would do it.... I searched out the lyrics to the song, but I'm none the wiser.
Well, she's made quite a success for herself, so obviously some people do "get it".
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